A working day in the life of Chris

A working day in the life of Chris

Chris Mills

What’s your wake-up routine?
Usually a very early start. Strong coffee to get me going and then I like to get through some email or even polish up some design work – just before setting off to the gym at 6.30am. Getting back about 7.30am, try to have a catch up with my wife and kids before we all part ways, setting off for the office about 8.10am.

What’s the first thing you do when you start work?
Check the social posts for the day are scheduled and a final proof check. From there, check email to see if there are any client requests required, this changes by the hour. If I’m clear, I’ll get my teeth into one of the larger products we always have, such as a full website build or crafting an Identity for a client. Rewarding, but time consuming work to say the least.

Who do you talk to most during the day?

What is a typical day at Character Mailing like for you?
–   Email
–   Design Design Design
–   Client meetings
–   Client calls
–   Email
–   Briefing with the Directors
–   Home

What’s something you cannot forget to do during your day?
Make sure there is nothing to act on for a client from the previous day. Client comes first.

What makes you feel like you’ve had a great day?
Creating an Identity or pushing a website live and getting great feedback from the client.

We don’t always get it right, you win some and lose some in the design game. Great when a design you’re passionate about gets the same buy in from the client and if it’s a piece of my work, will generally be typographical in approach.

What’s your essential wind-down after work?
With family, my Les Paul guitar and maybe not as often as I should do, the gym!

I’m married, and we have a near 15 year old son and a 13 year old daughter. They make us laugh and frustrate us both in equal measure. They are amazing [not so] little people.

What things cheer you or make you happy?
I’ve never felt more like singing the blues, when Everton win and…

Outside of the office, how do you spend your free time?
My free time revolves around spending precious time with family, guitar playing and cycling – weather permitting.